Friday, 7 March 2014


Do you know what does the big red TM stands for?

It stands for TIME MANAGEMENT (TM).

I was never a morning/ early-to-bed person. It was more than common that I used to stayed up late till after midnight.

I used to think I was extra productive for being actively working till midnight while most people are already asleep.

No. I was so wrong. It never did strike my mind that TM(Time Management) was so important that it has greatly impacted my life.

Master Surjit told us about sleeping at 10pm & waking up at 3am. I never quite listened to him. But when I started this, my life have totally changed! My memory improved, my relationships with people got better, my mind is able to focus better and think clearer, and most importantly, my mood swings got so much better that I'm calmer and more relaxed & definitely more positive these days.

Why sleeping at 10pm?

From 11pm-3am, according to our biological clock, it is the time of the detoxification of our gallbladder & liver.  We should be fast asleep during these hours for the two organs' functions to work at their best.

Why wake up at 3am?

This is actually the time known as 'Amrit Vela' by the Sikh(3am-6am). It is the best time to worship God or to chant/meditate upon the God's name during this ambrosial hour. We should rise early at 3am to enjoy the greatest benefits as this is also the time where heaven's doors are opened. This is also the time where negative energies & emotions like anger, stress, frustration are at its lowest as most people are still deeply asleep. 

Try it. Words can never define how great this simple habit is. Easy to begin, difficult to maintain it. Self-discipline comes very important.

Start sleeping at 10pm & rise at 3am!

p.s:  Tips from Master Surjit
-Start with adjusting your sleeping time earlier by 30 minutes for 7 days, and another 30 minutes for the next 7 days. It will be easier to maintain your TM this way.

Try it and let us know how you feel! This is something you will never regret.

~Chean Voon~

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